Page Administrators

Agnieszka Kostuch
Agnieszka Kostuch (born 1978) - a social worker by education, author of three volumes of poetry and a collection of interviews Opening Up. About Literature (2022). Her texts (reviews, reports, essays, interviews) were published (also under her maiden name Sroczynska) in magazines and on websites devoted to literature. Recently, she has been regularly publishing articles on the former Jewish community of Trzemeszno and committing herself to its commemoration. Currently, she cooperates with the editors of “Miasteczko Poznań” [“The Little Town of Poznan”] quarterly and “Przewodnik Katolicki” [“The Catholic Guide”] weekly. She runs a fanpage “Opening up about literature”. Agnieszka lives in Trzebinia.

Katarzyna Sudaj
Katarzyna Sudaj (née Fundamenska) was born in 1980. She comes from Rogoźno Wielkopolskie, but her heart now beats for Trzemeszno. She is an economist by education, career-wise handling taxes and economic law. However, it is history that has been occupying more and more space in her life over the last four years; the history of small towns and their residents, whose lives were shaped by events of a wide scope.
“When I began to discover the tragic fate of my great-grandfather, a police officer who was beheaded on a guillotine during World War II for his service to the Homeland and his body burned in a crematorium, I felt the pain of oblivion that had existed in my family for three generations: the pain of an orphaned 8-year-old girl (my grandmother) who lost both her parents within a month. The loss of my mother, who never had a grandmother or grandfather. My emptiness because I didn't know who my ancestors were.
That's when I felt how important it is to bring back the memories about people whose traces were supposed to be erased; how important it is to create places where you can read their names, remember their fate.
No bodies, no graves. But it is possible and necessary to look for documents and traces to restore their names and stories from these crumbs, to pass on to children and grandchildren.
There is a great disapproval in me in regards to despising another human being, especially because of their nationality, religion, or skin color. Hence my natural involvement in the matter of the Jewish cemetery in Trzemeszno. Here, too, someone wanted to erase the traces and memory of former fellow residents of this town.”
Editor of Jewish Tradition and Culture

Julita Semrau
I am a student of Polish Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and an active member of Dabru-Emet, the Association of Jewish Literature and Culture Enthusiasts. My interest in the subject of the Holocaust started already in junior high school, when I read Tadeusz Borowski's short stories for the first time. I wanted to know more; I wanted to learn about the causes and consequences of the greatest crime in history. This curiosity began to expand and embrace the entire Jewish culture, and eventually transformed into a passion and dream to study literature focused on Jewish themes as well as written by Jewish men and women.

Anna Błasiak
Poet, writer, translator, journalist and literature co-ordinator of the European Literature Network. She has recently co-translated Renia’s Diary by Renia Spiegel and also published a bilingual poetry and photography book (with Lisa Kalloo) Kawiarnia przy St James’s Wrena w porze lunchu / Café by Wren’s St-James-in-the-Fields, Lunchtime, as well as a book-length interview with a Holocaust survivor Lili. Lili Stern-Pohlmann in conversation in Anna Blasiak. She is one of the editors of Babiniec Literacki and managing editor of the European Literature Network in the UK. Contact:

Krzysztof Tomala
Instructor and translator into German and Polish with many years of experience. Initially worked as a German teacher in primary and secondary schools; among other projects, he developed German language teaching aids for children and young people. He compiled specialist German-Polish dictionaries, which have not been published. Over the years he has accomplished a number of translations and interpretations concerning various everyday situations, both in Poland and abroad. He is passionate about linguistics (English, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Serbo-Croatian) and about social history before and during World War II, including the tragic history of the Jewish community. He was awarded a diploma for his involvement as an author and creator of the Multimedia Book Under the Pear Tree Behind Albin at the Municipal Public Library in Chrzanów (2013). Currently he works mainly on the theory and practice of the translation process. He resides in Luszowice, Chrzanów County.
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Joachim Neander, PhD
Born 1938 at Zoppot, Free City of Danzig. Historian, specialized in Holocaust history, retired. In 2001 Research Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC. Worked several years as a writer and translator for PRO MEMORIA, a multilingual bulletin edited by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. Lives in Cracow, Poland. Member of the Polish Writers Association (SPP) and happily married to Polonist-poet Marzena Dąbrowa Szatko.
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Marcin Butka
Born in Trzemeszno. Curently living in small Irish town Ballina. Graduated at Chemistry Faculty at Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He works now as chemist at Coca-Cola plant. Asked at job interview about his future plans replied that he does believe in destiny. He started to help as English translator, because he believes that we should tell other people stories as they might make us realize that love is the most important.

Jolanta Wojciechowska
Warsaw tour guide, museum guide and tour leader.
I’m fascinated with discovering the multicultural history of the city, especially the stories of the Jewish community. I guide visitors around the History of the Polish Jews POLIN, I work out original routes of city walks for locals and Polish and foreign tourists.
I willingly engage in voluntary actions aimed at preserving cultural heritage (documenting architectural details of historical buildings in Praga district with the “Hereditas” Foundation, cleaning works on the Jewish cemetery In Warsaw with the Foundation of Cultural Heritage).

Anna Keren
A specialist in international humanitarian law, international human rights, and international and diplomatic law. She graduated from Warsaw University, Harvard University, Georgetown University, and Université de Louvain. As a lawyer, she has been working for the past 23 years within leading international law firms, financial institutions, international organizations, and diplomacy. Owner of her law firm based in Amsterdam. Passionate about travel, nature, biodiversity, and exotic cuisine.

Katarzyna Śmiałkowska
Born in Chrzanów, Poland, graduated from the English Studies Department of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków; forever fascinated with finding the meaning of words and ideas. A translator for over 25 years, her work includes such titles as Myths & Facts. A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict [Mity i fakty: przewodnik po konflikcie arabsko-izraelskim] and Embrace Your Jewish Heritage [Powrót do hebrajskiego dziedzictwa]; author of articles focused on the Bible and Israel, such as History of Jews in Chrzanów [Śladami chrzanowskich Żydów], This Is Where Miracles Happened [Tu działy się cuda] or In the Footsteps of Moses [Śladami Mojżesza].
Since 2016, founder and co-administrator of a Facebook group named Israel yesterday, today and tomorrow [Izrael wczoraj, dziś i jutro], providing its members with daily news and a wealth of other information on Israel, Jews and Judaism.

Olimpia Nowicka-Sulla
Lawyer. Board member of The Generations After DC, a non-profit for descendants of the Holocaust Survivors in Washington, DC. She has worked as Polish-English translator and interpreter for many years, including pro bono translations for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos. She also translated memoirs and poems by Holocaust Survivors. She has been engaged in Holocaust education for many years.
The decision to help create this website came naturally to me. If I can only help create a website about the Jewish inhabitants of the city whose history was brutally interrupted during the Holocaust, I consider it important. There are so many cities and towns in Poland with beautiful websites where there is no mention of their Jewish inhabitants. Such a repetitive erasure from the history of the land in which they lived and to the development of which they contributed, is especially painful. I am grateful to Agnieszka Kostuch for taking up the project to return the memory of this region’s inhabitants.

Krzysztof Bielawski
Graduate of the University of Tourism and Hotel Management in
Warsaw and the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw (major: History and Culture
of Jews); PhD student at the University of Warsaw.
Founder of the website Jewish heritage specialist at the Historical Information Center of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Author of the book Zagłada cmentarzy żydowskich [The Annihilation of Jewish Cemeteries] (2020).
Website developers

Klaudiusz Zdrojewski
Graduate of the Complex of Economic Schools in Gniezno, majoring in IT Technician. He created with WordPress, among others: Ekonomik Gniezno and TC Walkowiak. In September 2021 he took part in an internship for the Spanish company OpenBroker as Junior Front-End Engineering under the Erasmus+.
The possibility of creating this website was a great opportunity for me to gain new experience and to learn a little bit about the history of Jews from Trzemeszno. This is a very important and necessary project, and I am proud to have been a part of it together with Mateusz.
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Mateusz Springer
I am a 20-year-old future high school graduate from the Economic School Complex in Gniezno, IT technician specialization. In my free time I like to watch a good series, play computer games or board games. When the weather is good, I ride my bike.
I am interested in computer science in its broad sense, especially in programming and creating websites (including the website of our school). Co-creating this website with Klaudiusz gave me a lot of pleasure also due to the fact that I could learn a lot of interesting information and try to pass this knowledge on to other readers.
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