↑1 | Cullman P.S., Historia Żydów w Pile [History of the Jewish Community of Schneidemühl -1641 to the Holocaust], Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Społecznych EFFATA, Piła 2017, p. 76. |
↑2 | Kemlein S., Jews in the Grand Duchy of Poznań 1815-1848, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2001, pp. 119-120. |
↑3 | Ibid, pp. 165-166. |
↑4 | Heppner A., Herzberg I., Aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der Juden und der jued. Gemeinden in den Posener Landen; nach gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen, Koźmin - Bydgoszcz 1909, p. 991. |
↑5 | Dzieje Trzemeszna [The History of Trzemeszno], Cz. Łuczak [Ed.], Wydawnictwo WBP, Poznań 2002, p. 114. |
↑6 | Kemlein, op. cit., p. 178. |
↑7 | Ibid, p. 167. |
↑8 | Testimonial from the Trzemeszno Jewish community, 3 May 1841, Hartley Library, University of Southampton, ref. MS 164 AJ 196 1/6; translation by Krzysztof Tomala. |
↑9 | Ibid, p. 126. |
↑10 | Ibid, p. 130. |
↑11 | Heppner A., Herzberg I., op. cit., p. 991. |
↑12 | In publications, I found 3 spells of a surname referring to the same marriage: Hurwitz,Horwitz, Hartwitz. In the documents of the Jewish community gathered in the State Archives in Bydgoszcz, Inowrocław Branch, there are signatures of this couple as Meyer Hurwitz and Wittusch Horwitz. On the other hand, on Meyer's tombstone, there is an inscription "Horwitz". There is also a "Horwitz" version in the wedding note. Changing surnames among Jews was not uncommon, which is why this explains the discrepancies. |
↑13 | She appears in the book as Ruta Harwitz. |
↑14 | Kemlein, op. cit., pp. 125-126. |
↑15 | Ibid, pp. 135-136. |
↑16 | Dzieje..., op. cit., pp. 178-179. |
↑17 | Ibid, p. 125. |
↑18 | Ibid, p. 158. |
↑19 | Pastuszka S., Izraelickie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Chorymi i Pogrzebowe w Pszczynie. Wybór źródeł, Pszczyńskie Centrum Kultury, Pszczyna 2017, p. 10. |
↑20 | Ibid, p. 11. |
↑21 | Hazkarat Neshamot , also known as the Memorbuch (Book of Remembrance), is a memory of the dead. The document is in the Archives in Jerusalem. A copy of the original, which burned down in the synagogue in 1885, was made by Samuel Rothmann. |
↑22 | |
↑23 | |
↑24 | I recommend two book publications: the book by Sophie Kemlein quoted in the article and a collective work edited by Jerzy Topolski and Krzysztof Modelski, Żydzi w Wielkopolsce na przestrzeni dziejów (Poznań 1999). |