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Heymann Arzt’s Memoirs part 2

Heymann Arzt was born in Trzemeszno in 1866. As a 16-year-old, he left for Berlin on 27 September 1882 in search of work. He returned to his family home for a short convalescence, to recuperate. He stayed in Trzemeszno from 2 May to 26 August 1888. He then left for Berlin on 26 August and stayed there until 30 September 1888, and from there moved to Nordhausen (for work) - from 30 September 1888 to 1 January 1889. And he describes these six months of 1888 to 1889 in the second part translated here.

Part one of the diary can be found here

The original diary was donated to the Jewish Museum in Berlin. Heymann's grandson Fritz Philippsborn translated it from German into English. The text presented below is a translation of the English version of the diary, which was done by Veronika Pietz. The entire English translation is 180 typewritten pages. The diary also covers the later period of Heymann's life, after his departure from Trzemeszno, which occurred due to the lack of funding for Heymann's further education at the Gniezno high school and his need to take up employment in Berlin.

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  1. Pingback: Pamiętnik Heymanna Arzta - Strona poświęcona historii Żydów z Trzemeszna

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