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née Baszynski (1794-1884)

She was born in Witkowo, the daughter of Simon Baszynski, a merchant, and Rebecca, née Citron. She married Jehuda Leiba Citron. She had a daughter, Doris, married name Dobrzyńska. She died on November 16, 1884, at the age of 88, in Trzemeszno.

fot Kasia Sudaj macewa Rachem Citron
Rachma Rosalia Citron's matzeva, photo by Katarzyna Sudaj.
Rachme Citron_fot_Sudaj (1)
Photo 2. Matzeva of Rachma Rosalia Citron at the Jewish cemetery in Trzemeszno, 8.07.2023; photo: Katarzyna Sudaj

Epitaph transcribed by Sławomir Pastuszka