↑1 | Dzieje Trzemeszna [The History of Trzemeszno], Cz. Łuczak [Ed.], Poznań 2002, p.102. |
↑2 | |
↑3 | Maciej Obremski, Trzemeszno. Studium historyczno-konserwatorskie miasta, typescript, Toruń 1982, object No. 121. |
↑4 | A. Heppner, I, Herzberg, Aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der Juden und der jued. Municipalities in the Poznań Lands,, Koźmin- Bydgoszcz 1909, p. 991. |
↑5 | Hazkarat Neshamot , Księga Jizkor, the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, sygn. PL-413. |
↑6 | A. Heppner, I. Herzberg, op. cit., p. 991. |
↑7 | Archiwum OSP w Trzemesznie, Act of the Society "Volunteer Fire Guard of the City of Trzemeszno" |
↑8 | A. Heppner, I. Herzberg, op. cit., p. 991; dokumenty z archiwum Uniwersytetu w Southampton, (Hartley Library, University of Southampton), sygn. MS 164 AJ 196 |
↑9 | |
↑10 | Recording of a conversation with Henryk Nowak from VII 2021, from the private archive of Agnieszka Kostuch. |